Touch ring elastic heart

6.50 UVP

Inkl. gesetzl. MwSt. und zzgl. 5,95€ Versand
Unit: piece/s
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Touch rings made of wood and silicone are indispensable for
babies' hands. They trigger the grasping reflex and promote
the developmental processes of targeted grasping. Many
sensory impressions are conveyed that help the baby to
explore its environment. This product from the goki-baby
series contains high-quality silicone beads; these give the
toy an additional haptic stimulus for the development of the
senses. And the wooden parts are decorated with lovely
engravings. The interplay of soft and hard, of smooth and
dull surfaces also promotes language development, because
when "exploring" an object, perception via a child's tongue
and lips plays a role that should not be underestimated. We
have chosen the absolutely safe and non-toxic material
silicone as a complement to wood, because play fun and
safety go hand in hand with our goki toys.
  • Article number: 65244
  • Origin: Made in Germany
  • Material: wood, silicone
  • Measurement: 9 cm
  • Warning
* All prices incl. VAT and excl. Shipping.
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Touch ring elastic heart
Touch ring elastic heart
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Touch ring elastic heart
Touch ring elastic heart
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