
"Whoever takes something from nature must also give something back to it." For this reason, the topic of sustainability has long been part of our company philosophy.


Sustainable forestry

For almost 20 years, we have been contributing to reforesting Germany's forests and making them more climate-stable with our forest planting campaigns. In the process, vulnerable monocultures are transformed into mixed forests so that they can withstand the demands of climate change.

At goki, we stand for responsible toys: we use wood from sustainable, European forestry. Beech, maple or spruce trees stand in the forest for more than 80 years before they are felled in the spirit of sustainable forestry. A whole human life must pass, only then do we want to and are we allowed to use the woods. It is our obligation and responsibility to produce the best possible wooden toys from them. It is out of this intention that we have persistently developed over the past 40 years.


Recyclable products

We work to produce as many products as possible in a recyclable way. We have set ourselves the ambitious and unique goal of banning the four plastics PVC, PU, ABS and PS from all our toys and replacing them with environmentally friendly alternatives.


Sustainable production

Sustainability also plays a major role in the production of our wooden toys. Our European factories are either equipped with photovoltaic systems or purchase green electricity. Across Europe, we already produce more energy than we use.

Honored with the German Sustainability Award

An independent jury of experts honored our commitment with the German Sustainability Award, the most important award of its kind in Europe. goki was awarded the 16th German Sustainability Award as a pioneer of transformation in the toy and leisure products industry. Since 2008, Europe's largest award for ecological and social commitment has shown what Germany's pioneers of sustainability have to offer.


The German Sustainability Award is the national award for top achievements in sustainability in business, communities and research. The award is presented by the Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis e.V. (German Sustainability Award Foundation) in close cooperation with the federal government, municipal umbrella organizations, business associations, civil society organizations and research institutions.

The German Sustainability Award entered its 16th round in 2023. With eight competitions, over 1,200 applicants and events with a wide reach, it is the biggest award of its kind in Europe. The German Sustainability Award for Businesses broke new ground in 2023. This year, the nominees were selected and the award winners determined via a multi-stage process based on AI-supported research and the judgment of 100 expert juries from various sectors. The aim: to find the best in all sectors and spread transformation more quickly across the entire economy.

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