Quality and safety

We put a lot of love, experience and responsibility into developing toys for young adventurers. If a toy is to encourage a child's imagination and creativity, it must have high play value.


Our promise

For us, absolute safety has the highest priority, as children approach new things without preconceptions and are unable to assess possible risks. Before a toy leaves our warehouse, it is therefore subjected to intensive testing that goes beyond the requirements of legal regulations.

For this purpose, we have our own test laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Chemical studies are carried out by independent, accredited institutes. With our 40 years of experience in manufacturing toys, our strong sense of responsibility for children's safety and our highly developed quality management, we ensure that our toys are safe.


Safety thanks to own production

Only through comprehensive control over the entire supply chain can quality, as well as social standards, be guaranteed comprehensively. Our five factories therefore allow flexibility in manufacturing and safety in production.

spiel gut

Over 150 of our toys bear the bright orange "spiel gut" seal. They have successfully passed the strict assessment criteria of the "spiel gut e.V. arbeitsausschuß kinderspiel + spielzeug" and passed the practical test with children. This award underlines the fact that this specific toy was considered particularly suitable and recommendable for young explorers.


More information: spielgut.de

German Toy Award

The German Toy Award, formerly known as "The Golden Rocking Horse", is a prestigious award in the toy industry in Germany. It is awarded annually by a jury of experts and recognizes outstanding toys in various categories. Manufacturers, designers and brands can submit their products to take part in the German Toy Award. The jury, consisting of specialists, educators, child psychologists and other experts, assesses the toys submitted based on various criteria such as safety, play value, originality, educational benefits and quality.


More information: deutscher-spielzeugpreis.de

Toy Award

The Toy Award is a prestigious award at the International Toy Fair in Nuremberg. It honors outstanding and innovative toys in various categories. An independent jury of experts evaluates the products according to criteria such as innovation, play value and quality. It offers manufacturers a platform to present their latest products and underlines their importance and attractiveness for consumers and retailers alike.


More information: toyaward.de

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